About Abigail Whitney
Abigail Whitney lived nearly 300 hundred years ago. She was born and raised in Boston, married her childhood sweetheart Samuel, and became a beloved mother of seventeen children. The Whitney family moved from Boston to Concord, then back to Boston, and eventually retired in Castine, Maine. Abigail was educated, fulfilled her ‘housewifely’ duties well, and was an active wife of a Whig. As both a successful merchant and active in politics, Samuel and his family had connections to key players that became household names for future generations. Samuel is a Son of the American Revolution, a distinguished honor, as he was at Concord’s North Bridge fighting alongside fellow Patriots on April 19, 1775.

About Gail Hamel
Gail Hamel has been teaching colonial history to audiences for over twenty-five years. She developed a persona portraying Abigail Whitney as an extension of her work as an Educator for the Concord Museum, and has become a fine First-Person Historical Impersonator. Gail has a Bachelor of Arts degree, a Major in music, and a Master of Education. She is a licensed Tour Guide for the town of Concord, a Boston Freedom Trail Tour Guide, and a member of Solo Together, www.solotogether.com. Gail has been a reenactor with the Lexington Historical Society, Lincoln Minute Men, and Minute Man National Historical Park. Gail has performed as Abigail for hundreds of organizations throughout New England.

“Hamel immediately took on the persona of Abigail Whitney, and just like that, standing in front of the Auditorium, patrons of all ages were able to interact with a devoted wife, mother of 17 children, and proper colonist.”
Karen, a Columnist for the ‘Marlborough Patch’.
“Your portrayal of Abigail Whitney and life in Colonial New England was truly memorable and gave the audience a true depiction of what it would be like to live during those times.” Corinne, Audience Member
“I wish to thank you for the outstanding historical tour you guided from Boston Common to Paul Revere’s Statue.” Robert, A Tourist Boston Freedom Trail Tour.
You do such great work in sharing America’s history with our fellow citizens.” Ted, A Colleague.